
Аппарат цифровой радиографии на основе восстанавливаемых люминофоров FCR Capsula XL2 (CR IR 359) с принадлежностями (см. приложение на 2 листах):

FCR Capsula XL2 Digital Radiography System

Includes the following components and accessories:

I. FCR Capsula XL2 Digital Radiography System:

  1. Power cable
  2. Stand for FCR system
  3. Cassette holder
  4. Set for floor mounting
  5. Power board
  6. Digital radiography console:
    1. Keyboard
    2. Mouse
    3. Cable
    4. Instructions
    5. Software
  7. LCD monitor for the console
  8. Video card for the monitor
  9. Magnetic card reader
  10. Barcode reader
  11. Monitor stand
  12. Stand for the magnetic card reader
  13. Stand for the barcode reader
  14. Software for retrieving patient information from the hospital database
  15. Software for transferring patient information to the hospital database
  16. Software for storing images in Dicom format
  17. Software for transferring data to other diagnostic stations
  18. Dicom printing software
  19. Software for mammography (with a resolution of 50µm)
  20. Software for working in Dicom networks
  21. Software for connecting to the hospital database
  22. Software for quality control adjustment
  23. Software for selecting specific areas
  24. Software for combining two images
  25. Software for multi-frequency image processing

II. Accessories:

  1. Flexible plates for image acquisition
  2. Plastic cassettes with plates
  3. IP cassettes with plates
  4. IP cassettes

Купить Аппарат цифровой радиографии на основе восстанавливаемых люминофоров FCR Capsula XL2 (CR IR 359) с принадлежностями (см. приложение на 2 листах):, лучшая цена, доставка по России. Для заказа у нас на сайте вы можете заполнить заявку в свободной форме на почту sales@medtehural.ru или же позвонив по телефону 8 (343) 361-44-98

Company MAXXmarketing GmbH